This Fan-Made Title Sequence For A Black Widow Film Gives A Glimpse At What An Actual Spinoff Could Look Like!

We can dream, right?
Well, it seems lately that's all a Black Widow movie could be, since Marvel hasn't even hinted that Scarlett Johansson's character would get her own spinoff.

To some, the concept seems like a joke, especially considering ScarJo spoofed a fake trailer for an SNL skit.

But for fans of the sexy Avenger, that's just not enough.
One fan in particular took matters into his own hands and just went ahead and created a title sequence for the film we fantasize about.
Christopher Haley made very espionage-themed graphics to open the movie that may never be. For his After Effects class, he created a James Bond-esque montage introducing each character and their actor counterparts, over the song Sour Times by Portishead.
He uploaded the project to YouTube Tuesday, where he also briefly shared his vision for the hopeful installment in the franchise:
"Cut off one head, two more shall take it's place. . . For this speculative title sequence of a Black Widow film I decided Black Widow's villain would be. . . Black Widow. Yelena Belova, to be specific. Belova believes herself to be the superior Black Widow, and in some ways she is right. Swift and ruthless, Belova is the most talented assassin to graduate from the Red Room–and now she is Hydra's most deadly weapon. At Belova's side is a super-soldier of her own, Alexi Shostakov–the Red Guardian, who also happens to be Natasha's former lover. When the new heads of Hydra make a play for the power of the infinity stones it is up to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top agent to stop them."
Wow! We'd see that!
Especially since the fictitious cast includes ScarJo protecting her role, Rosamund Pike, Samuli Edelmann, and Agents of SHIELD's Clark Gregg, and Ming-Na Wen.

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